Saturday, August 18, 2007

Last Day of Summer

It's pouring outside on this last day of Summer. Not surprisingly, I love it. Living in a drought makes me thirst for weather like this every day of the year. Maybe I'll move to Seattle someday. The thing about the rain today is- Heidi's wedding.(" Isn't it ironic..") My very close friend is getting married today, and it's raining. She's not the type of person that would be upset over it though, so I hope the precipitation doesn't put a damper on her day.
This summer has been memorable- very emotional, and somewhat interesting. I haven't gone on any vacations, I haven't gone to Lagoon, or even to a swimming pool. I didn't go camping or fishing. I basically just spent time with my Katie and Sarah. I'm so thankful for Sarah. I've been through so much misery these past months and she's the one who has helped me have fun and focus on other things. I basically lost my best friend 3 months ago- and Sarah has helped fix the hole in my heart. Although, I know it will be long before that hole has completely disappeared. Today is the day I have to pack for college, go to a wedding, and figure out my life. Sounds like I'll be busy.
I'm really gonna miss being around my family.

Question of the day: How would you describe your style?
My Answer: I talked about this the other day with Sarah, and we both decided that we don't have a "style." If I did describe mine I'd say it was colorful and retro, but that would be too exclusive. I like so many different things. Whenever I go shopping with my friends, they point out things that are "so Kim" and, of course, I agree. For now, my style is just me.

Song of the Day: "A Day in The Life"- The Beatles

Peace Love & Raindrops,
Hee Hee

Friday, August 17, 2007


Here is a compilation of memories and experiences I enjoyed while I was growing up:

Snowy: When my youngest brother, Matthew, was 3 or 4 (he's 16 ish now) he always wanted his name to be "Snowy." Whenever we played any games, he was always Snowy. Imagine a chubby-cheeked little blonde boy saying, "I wiss my name was Snowy." So cute.

Butterflies: This relates to the "Snowy" one. When my siblings and I were little, we'd name every butterfly we saw. All of the white butterflies were "Snowy." All the orange Monarch butterflies were called "Fireball." I think we thought that there were only 2 butterflies in existence.

Mush Mush: When I was about 6 or 7, and my brother, Michael, was 5 ish, we made up a game we called, "Mush Mush." It was modeled after the show "Lassie" which we had never actually seen. Michael played the sled dog, Mush Mush, and I played the girl owner... I don't think there was a name for her. We came up with a theme song that was to the "Lassie" tune- except I don't think the "Lassie" theme song has words. Not that it mattered. Our theme song was just "Mush Mush, mush mush mush mush." Sung by me in a weird old man voice. The best part of the theme song is that we posed for it. "Mush Mush" sitting at my side with my hand on his head- both of us there facing the wind in our front yard. It was classic.

President: My brother reminded me the other night about this game we used to play called, "President." It wasn't very accurate, but it was fun while it lasted. One person would be the President and sit with a "desk" (a box, usually) in the closet under the stairs, which was the designated office of the President. Everyone else playing would have to follow the President's orders- like running errands. One of which was always getting the President a pickle. We had to take turns a lot being President, I mean, who wants to be the President's "Pickle Fetcher" the whole time?

The Field: This was the greatest, most imaginative game Michael and I ever invented. The field behind our house was an array of different cultures, creatures, landscapes, and adventures. It was so real- even in my memory it seems like it was real. Before entering the magical world in the field, we had to spin around 3 times on a man-hole cover that was in our backyard. Our names then changed to Cindel, Leia, Luke, and whatever George Lucas characters we could think of. We had a magical rock that was a safe haven from the giants and swamp people. The dried canal bed was a cursed river that would pull you under and to the other end of the field where the giants lived. In the east there was the Swamp village- where if you were wearing green- you would get kidnapped by the swamp people. And of course in the South there was the Ewok village, where we'd go visit the Ewok families that lived in giant dirt mountains. I still remember exactly where everything was and what everything meant and did. I'd gladly give a tour to anyone that wants to explore The Field.

Hide & Seek: This wasn't the hide and seek you play by hiding under beds or behind chairs. It was extreme. It was amazing how big our house seemed when we created so many creative ways to hide. Michael was the stealthiest at the game, climbing on top of the washer or counter and standing as still as possible in the dark so nobody would spot him even at eye level. I would disguise myself as a garbage bag or laundry basket to camoflauge myself from whoever was "It." My brothers were also very good at making themselves small enough to fit into toy kitchen cupboards and hide there.

Dragon: Dragon was a game we played in the evenings when our parents were watching TV, reading, talking, or being occupied by something other than us. We pretended that the adults were the "Dragons" and we had to sneak past them, and spy on them without being seen or heard. We devised complicated escape plans and secret signals. It was like being a Navy Seal.. sort of.

Talking Carpet: Michael and I used to pretend that we could hear the carpet talking. We'd put our ears on the floor whenever Matthew was out of the room and listen to him through it, pretending it was the carpet. It only ever worked with his voice. I guess our carpet was just a kid.

The Car Game: For some reason, we always thought the sneaky games were the most fun. We used to wait in our front yard for cars to come, and when they did, we'd yell, "car!" and hide behind something before we got hit by the car's goop. For instance, if we weren't hiding behind something when a yellow car drove by, we'd get hit by mustard, a blue car, and we'd get hit by water. The worst was the UPS truck. It meant death. This one really was scary because my best friend used to tell me that the UPS truck really did kidnap little kids. What can Brown do for you?

Dat Dat Doggie: When Matthew was really little, he was afraid of dogs, but tried to be brave when he saw one. Whenever a dog was around he would shout, "Dat dat doggie!" So that it wouldnt hurt him.. or something like that. It was cute, nonetheless.

Swastika: One time when my cousins were over and we were preparing for battle, we decided that we needed a flag for our army. I was young enough that I didnt know what a Nazi exactly was, but old enough that I had seen all of the Indiana Jones movies and had seen the Swastika used by the bad guys, so I drew it on a piece of paper and put it on our playroom door. My dad questioned me a lot that day after we played that game.

I probably have a million more games and things in my head, but can't exactly think of them right now. Hopefully Michael can remember some and help me out on this one.

Peace and Love
Hee Hee
(another memory: my brother couldn't say "Sissy" when he was little, so "Hee Hee" became my name ,and later, my nickname.)

Thanks to Michael

This is my first post. Not very exciting, I know, but still. There's a first time for everything. I decided I needed a blog so that I can be as awesome as my brother, Michael. I found out he had one and read some of his posts. I didn't realize so many of his feelings and experiences. It made me sad to read some of his earlier posts- the ones about him breaking up with his girlfriend. I wish I would have been more supportive as a sister. He needed it, I think.
I'm just really glad to read that he has been a happy guy lately. I'm so thankful that he has amazing friends that influence him for the better. I wish I could be as cool to him as they are. It's hard to be a "cool older sister" when I'm not exactly the "cool older sister" type. In fact, I let my brothers influence my tastes more than I let my friends because I care more about what they think than what other boys think.
I found out that the Goo Goo Dolls are coming in concert to my school's homecoming next month and since my brothers love them so much, I bought us all tickets. I'm really really excited for them to come and stay with me in Cedar. Hopefully my "cool" points will go up. And as cheesy as it may sound, I hope it's a good bonding experience. I'm going to post more, but since this blog is getting long, I'll post a new one.
Peace and Penicillin
Hee Hee
(I just had my wisdom teeth out- yuck.)