Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Hard Day's Job

I know most people I associate with have not gone into their full-blown careers yet. We have part-time, and summer jobs so we can scrape our ways through college. Currently, I am working 2.5 jobs for the summer. I was working a third, at Bath & Body Works, but it was just too stupid to work 3 hours shifts 20 minutes away. My jobs right now:

1. Britches Inc: This is probably the most peculiar job I have ever had, although for others it may not seem so peculiar. Basically, I sit behind a counter in a boutique for 9 hours. Usually I Facebook (I'm ashamed), Blog (like right now), and read. Every once in awhile I'll get tired and have to stretch or excersize. If I'm lucky I'll have a couple of customers, and if I'm REALLY lucky, they'll buy something. It's a simple job, but I do have to study the great mysteries of the brassiere. My favorite part of the job is probably selling to husbands and boyfriends. I can tell they feel like I did before I worked here: "Is that like a permanent wedgie?"

2. Promontory Kids Cabin: The most draining job I have ever had, yet, it keeps me energized. Promontory Kids Cabin is like the mini version of Promontory Ranch club, it's just for kids. It's open 7 days a week from 9-5, and we do camps and workshops all summer. Every Tuesday I get to teach art, which can be fun and frustrating. To sum it up, I play with 4-12 year-old kids all day. It's a fun job! We did Movie Making Camp a couple of weeks ago, and I got to write the scripts. It's amazing what talents and dedication can show when kids are doing something they love.

2 1/2. Babysitting: Sounds like a job for a 14-year-old, right? Well, does a teenager get paid $20 an hour to play with a couple of kids, eat whatever he/she wants, and then watch TV the rest of the night? I think not. I should say that I "Nanny," except that it's not the same kids. I'm not complaining.

When I think about my future, I will sure be happy to be doing something I love. Being able to use my creativity and ideas to create anything! For now I'll just stick with selling thongs.

"Now I am older, the more I see, the less I know for sure. Now I am older, the future is bright and so is the hour." - John Lennon


Heidi said...

LOVE IT, KIM! And I'm glad you liked the graffiti. I thought of you when we saw it. And your blog - wow! All of the sudden it's on fire! I love it. How did you make it look so cool? Please tell me! LOVE YOU!

Nat said...

ha ha oh kim.
i am so happy you work in a negligee shop. just another reason why you are a hero to me? haha that is fantasic... have you uncovered the secrets and mysteries in the sciences of a brassiere yet? let me know when you do... ha ha i have often wondered, how did it all start?