...getting stuck in the rain
...reaching a mountain peak
...seeing a rainbow in the mist of a waterfall
...having a ladybug land on you
...dancing in the rain
...finding your favorite kind of ice cream on sale
...putting on sweats, warm from the dryer
...jazz music
...the smell of rain
...seeing horses run
...looking in the mirror and loving what you look like
...finding the dress that fits you perfectly
...a lucky penny
...watching Animal Planet with friends
...a smile
...free pizza
...a spell of creativity
...a slow dance
...a wink
...lucky underwear
...jeans worn in just right
...finding money in a coat pocket
...a furry parka
...tie dye
...talking on the phone even after you can't keep your eyes open anymore
...laughing hard
...laughing for no reason
...laughing at your own clever joke
...talking without saying anything
...a comfortable silence shared with a friend
...a good book
...a life changing quote
...a poem
...jumping in a rain puddle
...an exhilarating run
...seeing a hummingbird
...breathing in someone's scent during a hug
...holding hands with your best friend
...peace signs
...old couples
...nicknames (most of them)
...using your imagination
...good cartoons
...crying with someone
...a homemade gift from a child... or anyone
...a warm gun
...sharing a sundae
...a cold slushie on a hot day
...birthday candles
...The Beatles
...the smell of rain
...playing fetch with a dog
...going to the zoo
...a sunrise
...a cure
...an answered prayer
...a perfect kiss
...bare feet in the sand
...seeing fireflies for the first time
...a motorcycle ride
...a bicycle built for two
...seeing fireflies, anytime
...driving in the rain
...an old baby blanket
...a good true story
...being fascinated
...star gazing
...cloud watching
...the sound of the ocean
...the sound of crickets
...the sound of a stream
...going a day without having to retie your shoelaces
...someone telling you that you're beatiful
...and unexpected visit from a friend
...an expected visit from a friend.
...a real letter
...a soft sweater with long sleeves
...a good hair day
...the perfect shade of nail polish
...anything that involves rain
...Christmas Eve
...a newborn
...getting both armrests
...reading old journal entries
...taking pictures
...a good dream
...hot apple cobbler
...sharing a common interest
...sharing a smile
...being with your best friend